Friday, January 21, 2011

Two More Leaves

I have nothing to take a picture of today, but did complete two more leaves last night. One leaf is one complete repeat of the charted pattern -- there were 6 leaves in the increase section, there will be 10, or so, leaves in the center, and another 6 decrease leaves to complete the scarf. I'm anxious to complete it and block it to see how the leaves really look.

Yesterday I found the next pattern I want to try -- a lined mitten pattern called Fiddlehead Mittens. I hope to take advantage of the LYS January yarn sale to pick up some fun colors. I figure I can mix and match them and get a few pairs -- who wants mittens? If I just had a snow day like my DH does, I'd get all kinds of things finished today :(

By the way, there's a great article on using the ball winder over on the TechKnitting site. She talks about winding and re-winding and whether using the winder adds extra twist to the yarn. Very interesting.

And, a fun site to play with (whether you are a fiber fanatic or not) is Silk. You click and drag a line and then a lovely piece of silk fabric unfurls. Keep going and you can fill the page with color and then replay it from the beginning. Lovely.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I'll take some mittens!