Thursday, January 13, 2011


The "BIG STORM" did come, and was even bigger than predicted for our area. I woke up yesterday morning, expecting to see the ground covered, but it didn't begin until just after I got to work - and when it started, it went from nothing to blizzard in moments. DH had the day off, at least from school. He spent about 4 hours clearing the driveway in the afternoon -- finishing as I got home at 4:30 and just as the storm began to slow down. Colby almost never has a snow day and rarely sends anyone home early. I had a 3:00 workshop scheduled with over 20 students registered, so I knew I'd want to stay until after that, but did head home about 30 minutes early to allow me to clear my car and parking space and drive home before dark.

Our backdoor wreath - completely decorated with blown snow.

Happy driveway clearer with his favorite tool -- the scoop!

While the snow slowed somewhat after 5, the wind was still quite wild and and the roads iffy, so I decided to lay low and stay home from choir. I got a bit more done on the leftover hat, using the darker color:

You can see that I still have my holiday tablecloth on the table -- it is one of my favorites, so I hate to put it away.

And, I got a few feet of binding done on my sister's quilt. I'm now officially more than half-way around as I turned the second corner last night -- see how neatly it is going together:

The top layer is the finished one - the next layer is an unfinished one. Lydia helped me out by sitting on the end of it where it draped onto the floor off of my lap and was really quite peeved with me when I had to fold it up and go to bed. Nice to know a quilt has cat approval.

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