Monday, January 3, 2011

Nothing to Show

At my LYS there is a knitting instructor who is known as 'Roberta the Ripper' for her encouragement of students' taking apart knitting that has mistakes in it. New knitters are often fearful of un-knitting (also known as TINKing -- 'Knit' spelled backwards) and hate to see their hard work pulled out -- even if it means they would be totally dissatisfied with their final product if they kept going. I probably take second place to Roberta, but I don't hesitate to take things out if I'm not happy with them.

Last night was a night of start-overs, so I have nothing to show for my efforts yesterday. Zeben's hat proved to be too big -- I'll frog it (rip it, rip it) tonight and start over with the smaller version in the pattern and size 6 needles. No real loss there -- the yarn is luscious to knit with and I'll enjoy having it in my hands longer. Also, it will take less yarn, leaving a better chance of my getting a pair of mittens out of the rest.

I also started a new "candy" sweater. I got my new Knit Picks Harmony Wood dp needle sets (4"-5"-6" small sizes) before Christmas and tried using the size recommended in the pattern, which was 2.5 mm. I've been using 2.25 mm needles on all of my others and the one I started last night was coming out bigger than my others. It may be the size expected in the pattern, but I like the smaller ones better, so frogged it before I went to bed. These are such fun, though -- I like each new one better than any that came before!

I did, however, get a slight problem worked out on the Skew socks and knit a couple of rows -- nothing that would show up in a photograph, but progress nonetheless.

The most exciting knitting news from yesterday was finding out that Purl Diva is having Amy Herzog give another 'Fit to Flatter' workshop in February. I was cruising blogs before church and noticed that. I mentioned it to two knitting friends in choir and before you could say Christopher Columbus we had a knitting boondoggle planned! After church, we called Ellen and signed the three of us up for the class (there is only room for 6 in the class, so we had to move fast!). Then we realized that it is the weekend of Spa, Knit, and Spin in Freeport, so Cathie is going to look into getting us a hotel room for Friday and we'll spend Friday at that event. Woo-hoo! I love having something to look forward to at this dark part of the year!

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