Friday, January 7, 2011

Hat Complete

Yesterday was another busy day at work, full of ups and downs. The biggest up was attending the Jan Plan course I helped create -- the students we've got doing observational internships got to talk a bit about their experiences and hear from the instructor doctors and a PA trained to lead reflection groups for physicians. I told the doctors afterwards that I was "jumping up and down inside" throughout the class as I saw exactly what we hoped would happen unfold before me. The doctors are terrific teachers. It was fabulous.

So, I definitely needed a bit of calming down after work. I went out to dinner (Asian Cafe) with my son who will return to college on Saturday, and then finished his hat. The pattern had two decrease-to-finish options and I tried the first, but we found it was a bit too short, so I pulled out those 10 rows and re-did it with the other option, which is 19 rows long. It doesn't take long, and it was nice to have it finished. Now for some mittens and then to see what is left that I can use to make a tassel or pompom (son's request).

The Eco Duo has held up pretty well in the knitting, frogging, knitting, frogging, knitting process. As yarn, it showed some wear, but knit up it looks fine. I think the tighter this is knit, the better it will wear, but it will definitely develop a "halo" of fibers and probably pill some. But they will be very warm.

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