Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sleepless Knitting

I didn't think yesterday would be as productive, knitting-wise, as it was, but I managed to slip a bit of knitting in a couple of unexpected places. First, I stopped home at lunch for a couple of things and while I boiled some eggs, I finished the mittens:One, it turns out, is slightly shorter than the other -- I'll either add a couple of rows to that one or shorten the first. We'll see.

Then, after dinner, I rewound what was left of the Eco Duo and started knitting another hat:
Two knitting friends at church on Sunday had hats they were making out of the black and white Eco Duo and the color patterns were quite interesting using just one strand (I alternated strands of two different colorways in my son's hat), so I thought I'd see what I got with my leftovers. I think the colors are close enough that I can switch to the second one when the first runs out, but it looks like I'll have enough for a whole hat.

And then, I was up for a while in the middle of the night, worrying about something that I shouldn't worry about. I knew that I could just lay there for over an hour and worry, or I could get up and read or knit and get my mind calmed so I could go back to sleep. I chose to knit. I picked up a project that is perfectly designed for picking up and putting down -- my new Jojoland Melody Swirl Shawl. It is a series of hexagons knit together, knit one at a time, in a yarn that magically changes colors by itself so that each hexagon appears to be from a different skein of yarn. It is so pretty and unexpected! I must, however, start weaving in the ends after knitting each hexagon or I'm going to be very unhappy when this shawl is complete.

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