Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More Sleep, Less Knitting

Yes, I got a much better night's sleep last night -- I was so tired from the mid-night knitting session the night before. But, I didn't get much knitting done. I got another inch or so done on the hat from what is left of the Eco Duo in browns. I finished up all the lighter color and "spit-spliced" the end with the darker brown. I should be able to get another 2" and still be able to have enough to decrease to the end. If not, I'll have to tink back and find whatever length I need to finish it.
I expected to wake up to snow on the ground as a "BIG STORM" was forecast to start during the night. Instead, I found not a flake has fallen yet, but DH is home for the day. School was canceled in anticipation of a "BIG STORM." Hopefully I'll have snow tales for you tomorrow.

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