Monday, January 31, 2011

Finishitis vs. Startitis

There's been some talk lately on blogs and in person with knitters who identify themselves as having "startitis" or "finishitis." My goals last year centered more on finishing items, but I've had a bit of startitis lately. Luckily, it has mainly been fed by small projects. During the run-up to Christmas, I could start a new sweater every other day, but not start a new one until I'd finished the first one -- my miniature sweaters (aka "knitting candy"). I've moved from there to slightly bigger projects: hats and mittens. There, too, I'm able to finish one before I start another (pretty much -- Ill admit to having a new pair of Fiddlehead Mittens on the needles).

Well, I'm taking the urge to finish a bit farther at the moment, and hope that inclination continues. I've had a sweater almost completely done, but in pieces, in my bag of things that need to be blocked and since my blocking board was out yesterday, I decided to block those pieces with the intention to seam the sweater together this coming weekend. Once seamed, I'll need to knit the button bands on, but they are only about 12" long, so that shouldn't prevent me from finishing the sweater. Here are the first three pieces on the blocking board (sleeves and collar are next):

Last night's TV knitting (we watched the Steve Martin/Carl Reiner film "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) got me about half-way through the lining of the first Fiddlehead Mitten:

It snowed fat, lazy snowflakes all day yesterday and so there is a lovely white covering over all the dirty snow this morning AND the sun is shining. Sounds like I better enjoy it today as another "big storm" is on its way for Wednesday (I think this will be the 4th Wednesday when we've either had a storm or at least a threatened storm). I only wish I got snow days!

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