Monday, February 7, 2011

Taxes Done (Almost)

Although I would rather have been knitting yesterday, I buckled down and did the taxes. Our federal and state, each son's federal and state, and one son's other state. Phew. I still need to get some numbers from our contractor so that I can put in for the energy tax credit, and need to go over everything with a calculator to make sure the numbers are correct, but the worst part is over. I also still need to do the FAFSAs, but as long as I can find our PINs, that won't take more than an hour. So, the most daunting part of the task was accomplished yesterday and it felt good.

The only knitting I got done was my early-morning knitting, so my hope of finishing the blue and gray mitten didn't come to pass. Instead of a SuperBowl party, we attended a potluck dinner to celebrate a friend completing her PhD. It was a nice evening and DH didn't seem too put out by not watching the game. He wasn't terribly invested in it, though he hoped that the Packers would win. He spent part of the day yesterday on YouTube, watching previews of the commercials -- his favorite part of the whole spectacle.

Today kicks off the real February at work. For the rest of the month I'll be working late at least two nights each week, starting tonight. I'll be ready for 2 vacation days I'm taking at the end of the month, that's for sure.

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