Thursday, February 3, 2011

No Knitting Day #2

Yesterday was my second no-knitting day of 2011. Spring semester classes began yesterday in the midst of a major snowstorm (actually 2 storms back to back). DH had a snow day and spent a good deal of the day in the driveway, but I had meetings and work starting at 8:30. I worked through lunch and managed to leave around 4:15, knowing that it might take some time to dig the van out in the parking lot and taking the longer way home to avoid going down a very steep hill. Although I was inside, relatively warm and snug, with electricity and plenty to keep me busy all day, there is just something about knowing there is a storm raging outside that makes you want to get home and keeps you feeling anxious until you do.

Upon arriving home, Don was still working on his latest push of snow and our neighbors invited us to eat dinner with them. They are nearly 90 years old, but in very good health and sound mind, and they are so appreciative of Don's work on keeping the yard clear (we share a driveway). They thought it would be nice to have a hot meal ready when Don finished his work, and it was nice to visit with them.

But, when we came back across the driveway, I worked a bit on the financial software project -- I'm slowly starting to understand what I'm doing -- and then just didn't have any energy to sit and concentrate on knitting. I climbed into my warm bed and wrapped myself up in a book I describe as being in the "warm blanket" genre -- a book without much plot or excitement but with lovely characters. I'm reading a couple of the Miss Read books, about the people in Thrush Green, a village in England, probably in the 50's or 60's. The Mitford books fall into this category, as do the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books. I love them.


Nancy said...

Did Aunt Alice give you the Miss Read book? Is Miss Read a teacher? A/A gave me a book about Miss Read, but was disappointed that I didn't love it as much as she does. It kept putting me to sleep! That was back when I had no trouble sleeping, ever---maybe I should try Miss Read again on nights when I can't sleep!

Nancy said...

Did Aunt Alice give you the Miss Read book? Is Miss Read a teacher? A/A gave me a book about Miss Read, but was disappointed that I didn't love it as much as she does. It kept putting me to sleep! That was back when I had no trouble sleeping, ever---maybe I should try Miss Read again on nights when I can't sleep!

margmor said...

Ah, I can't wait to be out of school and able to read "warm blanket" books again!!!