Friday, February 11, 2011

Heat-seeking Cat

Thursday night is yoga night, and I usually go to class from work. Last night I stopped at home to feed the girls as DH was staying at the high school for basketball games -- the last games of the season. Our older cat gets really put out when we don't stick to the usual schedule, and lets us know in her own way (she leaves messages in various places). To give her some credit, we do know that eating late does upset her stomach, but that doesn't excuse her. So, I fed them on time and went off to class.

Often I find I'm not very hungry after class, but it is so easy to just graze all evening and end up eating much more than I should. Last night I tried to make appropriate eating choices and quickly sit and pull out my knitting so I would keep my hands occupied. I don't have pictures of my knitting, but do have photos of the girls.

This is what they look like when I leave for work in the morning:

And here is Lydia (our younger cat), who we call the heat-seeking cat. She loves nothing better than to lay on our radiator and soak the heat up. Last night she started with her usual stretching out on her belly, then migrated to laying on this paper bag. She snoozed with her face on the radiator while I knit. Lydia is most definitely not a lap cat, but she does like to be close by her people whenever she can. In this position, she was about 2 feet from where I was sitting.
Both of my "girls" are good company. Pandora is, at this moment, sitting in my lap at the breakfast table -- she's more of a lap cat, but not all the time. Usually, just when I'm wearing black slacks. Like today :)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

What is it about dark-colored clothing that attracts our light-colored pets?