Saturday, February 5, 2011


In my daydream moments, I'm thinking about what I want to do with my gift cards. In other words, what yarn do I want to buy? I'm thinking about these two sweaters and would love feedback:
"Leaving" by Ann Hanson -- one of my favorite designers. This yarn will be available from Woolen Rabbit at Spa, Knit & Spin

"Sprössling," also by Anne Hanson. I already bought this pattern (though I would probably make it just a little less form-fitting).

The Brae Tweed Cara Cross-over Cardie, designed by Knit One, Crochet Two which is a company here in Maine.

I wouldn't make any of these in the colors in the photos. I'm more focused on the shapes and patterns and each one is appealing in different ways. Decisions, decisions!

The Saturday of the upcoming Knitting Boondoggle will include a workshop with Amy Herzog about how to choose patterns (or design patterns) that fit your individual shape. I wish I was doing that on Tuesday and then shopping at Spa the next day!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I like the first and second one (Yes, less form-fitted, though). The first one seems more dressy than the second, if that matters at all....