Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Snowing Again

Someone sent me some photos of snow in Lead, South Dakota yesterday. Apparently they've had snow up to their roof lines. We haven't had quite that much, but we sure have had a lot. It has snowed every couple of days almost all of January and February. Just outside our front windows is a crab-apple tree, planted on my first Mother's Day, 21 years ago. The snow is up to the crotch of the tree, which is about 4' off the ground. Even I, who love the snow and have a wonderful husband who takes great pride in clearing our driveway, am ready for spring! However, the sunny days like yesterday, and warmer temperatures (I didn't wear long underwear to work yesterday and I wasn't cold) are just as welcome as flowers at the moment.

Yesterday's view:
Today's view:

I brought my knitting to work yesterday and at lunch time closed my door and got about 8 rounds completed on the gray and blue mittens. It was a nice oasis in a long, busy day. Today will be even longer, with 2 evening workshops keeping me on campus until after 8 pm. After a late dinner of salad and scrambled eggs, I finished the main part of the mittens and started the thumb. Hopefully I can finish that today so I can block them and then start on the linings. And, if the roads are cleared by lunch and the snow doesn't turn to rain or sleet, I'll visit my LYS to purchase pointier double points for the wedding stole. My blunt bamboo dps are likely to drive me nuts, as they did when I was knitting a swatch.

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