Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm wearing my new sweater today! I admit that I'm thinking about taking the buttonhole band off and putting the first button higher, but for today I'm going to pin it where I think it should stay closed and wear it.
I finished the lining of one Fiddlehead Mitten last night! But I frogged the lining of the first one -- I knit the lining on the second one on smaller needles and it fits perfectly. The first lining lumps up, and I know I'd be mad everytime I'd wear them, so I'm re-doing the first one. It shouldn't take long, except I also cast on for the Lilac Mittens (free Ravelry pattern) in purple and white.

And, I forgot to mention that I started the Tibetan Clouds Stole for my sister-in-law's wedding. My color-coded chart has been critically helpful as there are a couple of errors early in the chart that I was able to catch -- the colors made it quite obvious when I got to those two spots.

Today is Tuesday, but because I have Thursday and Friday off, tomorrow is my Friday! Hurrah!


Amy said...

It's lovely!

Nancy said...

Oh! Beautiful! Great fit!