Monday, February 21, 2011

Off the Radar

We ended up falling "off the radar" this weekend, I'm afraid. I don't know why, but I really needed a recharging weekend -- I was tired last week and so ready for it to be over. I didn't even call my parents, which I feel badly about, and didn't talk with any of my siblings. I thought about it, but only at times when it wasn't a good time to call, and then got busy with things like cleaning the piles of magazines and clothes on my side of the bedroom, going downtown for coffee, going grocery shopping, or to church.

On Friday evening we went to Big G's for dinner and ran into a friend who teased us about Big G's being a "big evening out" and asking what we were going to do after, implying we'd be going home to go to bed early (which she knew was absolutely right). On the other hand, she was at the sandwich shop with her sister and parents and a few others, celebrating their parents' 55th anniversary! The night had turned pea-soup-foggy and they decided not to drive a half hour to a nicer restaurant where they had planned to go. Bottom line, we all had a good meal and a short drive home :)

I had my Fiddlehead Mittens with me on Friday night and knit a bit more of the lining while waiting for dinner. And, I finished the hand part of the lining last night while watching television. All that is left to do is the thumbs! I also did some secret knitting which I can share in a couple of days. And, I even finished the gray sweater jacket and was thrilled to find that it fits! Last night I found 5 matching old buttons in my button box that fit perfectly. Sorry not to have any pictures. I'll try to catch up with them tomorrow.

I spent more time finishing up the taxes and starting the FAFSA. I'll be so glad to have this done.

The highlights of the weekend were two music events. On Saturday we saw a quintet of Colby faculty, plus a guest pianist, play a series of jazz pieces based on television theme music -- some recognizable, some composed by the musicians that they though should be theme music. It was a lot of fun. We ran into a friend we haven't seen in a while and it looked like he was on a date, so we got a visit the next afternoon where he told us that he'd separated from his wife. So sorry to hear that, but glad he's not just sitting at home alone -- I know the woman he was at the concert with and she's really nice. DH and I, though, are sure happy not to be in the dating world-- despite our respective flaws, we agree we're best off sticking together.

Sunday afternoon brought a much-anticipated organ concert at our church -- our organ was just refurbished and expanded a bit this past summer/fall. Our recently retired organist came back for the honor of presenting an inaugural concert. Although a bit long, the music was beautiful and the intermission snacks were delicious.

DH is on February school vacation this week. I'm quite jealous, but am taking Thursday and Friday off, so at least I get a short week. 6 years 'til retirement.

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