Sunday, October 14, 2012


I don't know if writing about finishing projects helped motivate me to actually finish a project, but I'm proud (and relieved) to have done so. 

At least two years ago, I hired someone to wallpaper our stairway and upstairs hall (very small and mostly doorways).  I underestimated the wallpaper I needed, and the man I hired was unable to quite finish the job.  I ordered more and was determined to finish it myself since all that was left was the hall and wouldn't involve figuring out how to get way up to the ceiling over the stairway.  Well, time passed and my sister (who is my favorite wallpaper assistant - my siblings and I were all well-trained by our father in the construction assistant role) came to help me finish the job.  I was extremely disappointed to find that I still didn't have enough wallpaper to finish the job.  Furthermore, I was appalled to find that the wallpaper was now not available.  Anywhere.  Except in another colorway. Aaarrrgh!

I've just let the unfinished wall sit there, reproaching me every time climbed the stairs (several times every day), for two years.  Yesterday, I decided I would finish the job, even if it meant piecing stuff together.  I did have plenty of coordinating wallpaper that we had used in the room downstairs that the stairs open into, so I decided to use that for the wall at the top of the stairs and then pieced the one half-strip that had to match.  I did the little strips over the doors and FINISHED THE JOB!  So, so satisfying.

Here are a few photos of projects I have not yet finished.

Rising Fog (which is a bit bluer than it looks here - really, really pretty):

Miss BB - the color is a bit more purple in real life, with this rose/gold color as highlights:

And, a finished project I had (already) forgotten about.  A colleague and I made coordinated Prayer Shawls for a couple who have just retired from long standing roles at the summer camp my sons attended.  Mine is in Ultra Alpaca in rust/brown heather:

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