Friday, March 4, 2011

Row by Row

After work and yoga and dinner last night there wasn't much knitting time (though I made some by staying up later than usual). I completed Chart B on the wedding stole, though! 12 more rows on the center square and then on to one of the ends. I WILL complete the center square before I inevitably give in to the temptation of Sprössling (Cate - are you paying attention? Center square BEFORE anything else!). I think we'll have a bit of a Sprössling Knit-Along, though, as two friends are making it too -- one is already half-way up the back and the other had swatched by Wednesday night in choir. I'm sure she will have started by Sunday, too.

Cold, cold, cold weather! -2 this morning, but should rise about 40 degrees today. Definitely a layer day -- hopefully I can take off my long underwear by lunchtime when I have to be presentable at a lunch meeting with prospective students' parents :)

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