Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Maybe I CAN Fit to Flatter!

I find myself still thinking about what was presented in the Fit to Flatter class I attended over the weekend. Combining that with a comment I made to my DH about my never having felt comfortable with my own body and a daily yoga article on resistance, I'm realizing that having myself photographed in tight-fitting clothing was the least difficult part of the whole thing and that my own resistance to seeing myself as shapely in a pleasant way is likely the hardest thing for me to overcome. Who would have thought it would take me into my 50's to start to deal with that?! As usual, my epiphanies are slow to piph.

On the very positive side, losing just 10 pounds has made a great difference in my self-concept. And Amy's class does have me looking more closely at patterns with an interest and confidence in knitting sweaters again -- hopefully without having to chant, "I hope it fits, I hope it fits" as I come to the point of sewing it together the way I have in the past :)

Yesterday was my long day at work with two evening workshops -- I'd rather stay and do two in one evening than have to go back to campus two evenings a week -- so there was no knitting accomplished. Our neighbor is still very sick. DH seems to be coming down with a cold, so I'm now on the watch for flu at our house. Wash your hands, everyone!

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