Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bogged Down

I got a bit off track this week, I'm afraid. Besides the flooded basement (still damp, but no lasting damage), we've had a cat who turns out to have a UTI (she's been peeing in "inappropriate places," as the vet assistant put it), my father has to have a "procedure" to check for blockage in his heart, a sensor-gone-nuts on one of the doors of our VW that buzzed constantly, even when the doors were fully closed ($323), and I've just been tired and out of sorts. Work has been crazy -- I had three students crying in my office over two days (not anything I did to them -- they were having bad days for various reasons -- it is mid-terms, what can I say?) this week and there just doesn't seem to be enough time to do anything. So, what do I do on Friday afternoon when I had no appointments? I cleaned out a drawer of my file cabinet. Not really something that should have been at the top of my "to-do" list, but it made me feel just a bit more in control of my life.

I managed to do two things for myself, though. I went to yoga on Thursday evening (and the class was all about balance - how appropriate). I managed to knit at least a couple of rows of something almost every day (except Wednesday when I didn't get home until after 9 pm). I don't have much to show for it, but I did it. Today I spent 2 hours in the car, going back and forth to visit my parents, fixing mistakes on a pair of socks I've been working on for a couple of years (lace knee socks on needles that I've decided I really don't like using). I'm doing them two-at-a-time on one needle and had a rough time getting them back on the needles after ripping out a few rows, but the car ride gave me the opportunity to get it straightened out. And we've now got medicine for Pandora (can't wait to try to give it to her -- that is going to be interesting -- twice daily for 7 days). And I found a great deal on Reynolds Cricket yarn at Marden's ($2.49/ball). And the sun just broke through the clouds for a few minutes. I guess things will be OK. I think I'll go knit for a while.

1 comment:

margmor said...

Ok so here's my tip for giving medicine to cats. Wrap her in a blanket! If you can double-team her, then one of you can pry her mouth open and the other can shoot in the medicine. If you are going solo, I recommend doing it in front of a mirror- because it's so much easier to hold her facing away from you to put meds into her mouth. Last time we had to medicate Pip, they gave us bubble-gum flavored medicine. What is that about?? How about TUNA flavored??? Good luck!!