Wednesday, February 17, 2010

People I Admire

I spent much of the past weekend on campus attending a Posse Plus Retreat. I was part of the "Plus" part as the retreat is mainly for students who attend my college through the Posse Program. They have this retreat every year and invite students, faculty, and staff to participate. I attended the retreat last year and learned a lot about these students and about myself and was pleased to be able to participate again this year. What I come away feeling is that these students are very brave people. They step way out of their comfort zone to attend a predominately white college in Maine and then work hard not to be invisible or sidelined while here. I'm proud to know them. I certainly wasn't that brave when I came to Colby!

While I joined the retreat on Friday evening and all day/evening Saturday, I had to miss Sunday morning so that I could finish the family tax returns. I completed returns for the US, Maine, and Pennsylvania. Yes, I should make the boys do their own taxes, but since I have to complete the financial aid forms for them by March 1, it is just easier to do them myself and get them done. One more year, guys, and then you'll be doing them for yourselves!!

Nothing new -- didn't get a moment to knit all weekend. But, I'll make up for it this weekend (see previous post)!

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