Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lust continues

I've found a new podcast to feed my ipod habit. I'm listening to Stash and Burn, a west coast pair of knitters talking about their stash habit. As usual, I'm starting with podcast number one and will work (walk) my way through the series until I get up to the present. I'm now up to last June in Ready, Set, Knit, and have just a few more episodes of Knit Picks to catch up on. Luckily, wanting to listen to all of these programs inspires me to walk! I rarely allow myself to listen to them when not walking -- just sitting around doesn't earn me my programs. Sometimes on a long car drive I'll listen to a few, but as I'm usually quite happy listening to the radio while driving, I try to save them for walking.

I was very excited to receive my first ever Webs catalog yesterday, and my Fall Interweave Knits edition. I stayed up late looking at the pictures -- tonight I'll start reading the articles!

One other UFO I haven't mentioned (nor have I touched it in months) is a prayer shawl. I go through spurts when I've participated in our church's prayer shawl ministry. I'm particularly inspired when there is someone I want to give one too -- a friend with breast cancer in my basketweaving group and a friend who was remarrying after the death of his previous wife were the two that I worked hard and fast on. This one is just one for the group to have on hand if there is a request for a shawl, so it is slow going. I like to develop a mantra for the three stitch pattern. For my friend with cancer, I think it was Love, Strength, and Warmth. For the wedding one it was Faith, Hope, and Love. That way I'm not just knitting, but actually knitting my prayer for the person into it. I don't remember the prayer I was using for this shawl, which may be part of why it is hard for me to pick up and complete. I'll have to work on it (the prayer, that is, then the shawl).

Speaking of shawls, I'm itching to do a lace one for myself. I've either got to get the Knitting Around book so I can knit the Pi Shawl, or I've got to finally select one of the Folk Shawls to do. It made me laugh (while walking) when Kelly Petkin on Knit Picks' podcast mentioned that she has the Folk Shawls book too and has looked at it many times but never knit one of the patterns. Guess I'm not alone!

1 comment:

nants said...

Bring me the book, I'll pick out a shawl for you to knit!