Saturday, September 8, 2007

Getting Back on Track

School and work are now fully in session and I'm starting to move with the rhythm and can feel the momentum moving me forward. There are seismic shifts taking place in my profession at this time and they are starting to have more impact on my personal work life -- a dear colleague at another institution who has been a friend and support for many years recently left his job rather suddenly. It is one of many changes happening in career planning offices, but one I didn't expect and just one more way that the landscape of my professional life is changing drastically.

Couple change and uncertainty with busy-ness that prevents my knitting or quilting or basketmaking, or even cleaning or tidying the house and cooking and you find me feeling very disconnected and tired. I slept like a rock last night (after finally getting a bit of time to knit while watching the beginning of the 2nd season of Hill Street Blues -- something my husband and I are working our way through together) and got up this morning to walk with Ready, Set, Knit on my iPod. I'm up to Show 20 and would love to get caught up to real time. And, I'm thinking that a trip to Webs in Northampton might be a good birthday present for me!

I'm liking the Knitting Daily newsletter. Today there was a link to a blog with photos demonstrating a technique for weaving the ends into your knitting as you go along -- fabulous! I'm actually someone who doesn't really mind weaving in the ends (call me crazy), but I will still really like getting to the end of a project and not having to do so many. Take a look at I'm not sure that link works, but go to for a link to the site and notes from A Delightful Chat with Mags Kandis (Part 1).

I knit about 20 rows on the Clapotis Shawl last night but forgot to drop stitches on one side so will have to take those out today. At least they are shorter rows as I'm decreasing on each side. I may go get another yarn to do another one -- in another color. It would make a great gift.

Haven't touched the jacket -- maybe this weekend.

I started a feather and fan lace scarf before school started but haven't gotten very far. Maybe I could take that with me to the football game today if it isn't raining.

I made progress on Zeben's socks while camping but haven't touched them since.

Pretty pitiful, overall, what I've done and haven't done this week! No wonder my eyes are glazed over and I'm exhausted! I need my knitting lift! Knitting is what I need to get back on track with.

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