Thursday, September 20, 2007

Knitting Lust?

I have a birthday coming up. It is a "big one." My sisters asked me what I'd like to do to celebrate and I suggested a girlie outing -- maybe a spa day. While that still sounds like fun, I'm also thinking this is an opportunity to ask for some of the knitting books I'm longing to hold and read and dream over and to have an excuse to buy yarn and start new projects. Or, is that just pure lust? I get that feeling every time I listen to knitting podcasts or reading Knitting Daily or other blogs and online newsletters. Even though I know that my schedule just doesn't permit me to spend much (any?) time knitting (and you can insert quilting/sewing/basketweaving in there too). Then I get too many unfinished projects sitting around and my husband complains that there is nowhere for him to sit.

The root of the problem is that I'm an idea person. I'm full of ideas and attracted to the idea of many different projects, but just don't have the time to execute them all. It is so frustrating and almost a physical feeling of frustration when my hands can't work on the things in my head. I laugh inside when people say how empty my nest will be next year (my sons are twins, so we'll be empty all at once) and think about all of my other "children" in the form of unfinished projects and lovely un-acted upon ideas. I think I'll be OK. I can cry and knit at the same time.

Everything is exactly as it was the last time I blogged -- just waiting for my attention.

A friend just loaned me Water for Elephants. I'm anxious to read it as three people I know could hardly put it down, but I'm also anxious about reading it as three people I know could hardly put it down. For a woman with no time to knit, a riveting book may not be the right tonic. But, who can resist a good book or a beautiful skein of yarn? Not me!

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