Friday, April 29, 2011

Bit by Bit

Back to work, there has been little time for knitting this week. The end of the academic year is always full of special events and fun activities that occur in the evening, including a wonderful event I attended on Wednesday evening that kicked off the Colby Research Symposium. Over 250 students participate in the 3 days of posters and presentations with three faculty keynote speakers who share information about their research and how students participate. It was fascinating to hear about research on mink frogs, African American jockeys in 1895-1930, and music that has been transcribed from manuscripts that have been largely untouched for 300 years. Students and faculty do such interesting work!

I have worked on the baby sweater -- seamed the shoulder and knit on the neckline and button/buttonhole bands. This weekend I hope to be able to start the sleeves, for which I'll pick up the stitches on the side of the front and back and knit down to the cuffs.

I also did the shoulder seams for the Debbie Bliss sweater and tentatively tried it on -- I think it is going to fit! I used an "invisible" seam from Knitter's Companion and it looks great. I have not yet blocked the sleeves -- hopefully this evening, so I'll be able to seam the whole thing on Sunday.

That's it!

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