Sunday, January 17, 2010

Too Much

I, like many people, have been following the news about Haiti. Even without television, the scenes described are horrific and incredibly sad. They are brought slightly closer to home because two students from my college were there when the earthquake hit and I actually know one of them. They're safely on their way home to the US, thankfully. Another friend, a man who works at my college and is a member of our parish, grew up in Haiti and he shared with us after church today that a large portion of his family on his Mom's side are missing with no word. One aunt owned a restaurant across from the national palace which is completely flattened.

I can't even begin to think about how this would feel if it were my family, or how we would survive if it happened here. My main reaction, though, is feeling somewhat appalled at all I take for granted. I just went to the grocery store and had a brief moment of feeling virtuous about all of the fresh vegetables in my cart -- until I thought again about Haiti and how people there would welcome water and the most basic of foodstuffs, while I have an unending array of choices and the ability to pay for what I need and even some things I just want, but don't really need.

Reading the Episcopal Cafe website a few days ago, I came across a link to an article about financial fasting. The idea keeps nagging at me. Even though Don and I are really quite frugal overall, I'm sure it would be a good discipline. Check it out: I'm thinking about doing it during Lent, though I'll admit the thought crossed my mind that I have to take care it doesn't keep me from going to Spa, Knit, & Spin. Guess I'll have to decide how much this means to me. Maybe I'll fit it around the event, but give myself a strict budget to stick to -- which I know won't be easy.

Finishing up the sweater Zeben started over break. He got the body and sleeves done up to the point where everything joins for the yoke. The yoke involves short rows, which he wouldn't have taken the time to figure out on his own, so I'll gladly finish it and send it to him. Then, I think I'll make one for his brother.

Slouchy Cardi is still at the point where I have to do the sleeve caps. Stalled.

Not on my needles, but related to my knitting, is a step toward organizing my yarn and projects. Zeben has gone back to college and already has a job lined up on campus so won't be coming home again for a while -- probably not until next Christmas break. So, I'm taking over that room. My desk is moved up there to make room in the living room. And, I'm in the process of moving all that is yarn/knitting related to one place. I plan to finally find out just what I have, and figure out what I can do without. I'm really looking forward to my version of "The Airing of the Stash" as well as some culling. Plus, I plan to try to move some of my UFOs into the finished object category.

Now to get to the rest of the house. We just have too much -- much more than we need, or even want anymore. We'll recycle as much as we can by donating to local organizations or saving things for the church yard sale. Just one tiny way to reallocate the riches of this world.

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