Friday, January 8, 2010

Off and Running (Again)

The college where I work has a 4-week "Jan Plan" term between semesters. It was an experience I really liked as a student, and as an employee I also really like the educational value and opportunity of having Jan Plan. However, it does mean that our students return to campus on January 4, giving staff very little time to recover from the first semester and plan ahead for the second. We have to be ready to be back on our game the first work day of the year. And, as usual, I'm always shocked at how quickly the month goes -- we are already a quarter of the way through the term today! Time just goes much too quickly.

But, the fun thing about this past week is the enthusiasm of the students for our new career planning program. I led a self-assessment workshop Friday afternoon with a fun, engaged, smart group of young people. It is always a pleasure to present activities and information and not only watch the students soak it up, but to also have them reflect back to me and teach me new ways of looking at things. I guess this is what has kept me doing this job for almost 23 years!

On the home front, one of my sons had his wisdom teeth (all 4) removed on Monday, so I've been trying to be a good nurse when I've been home. The other son is at a leadership conference for his fraternity. We've taken down the Christmas decorations, though the lights are still up on the apple tree and lit up every night. I'd like to keep the tree up longer - we didn't quite make it to Epiphany - but we hate it when we miss the tree pick-up on our street and have it sitting sad and naked on our lawn for weeks, so we took it down on Monday. Everything that wasn't on the tree has been migrating to a table in the dining room. If I don't spread the un-decorating out over a week or so, I always miss something. This way I'll be able to put everything away in the right box pretty easily.

I spent and unexpected but fun afternoon/evening at my parents' house yesterday. My brother, his wife, and three children all came to visit from out of state. We were only short one sister and her husband, my husband, and one of my sons from having the whole family together. We capped the evening with a rollicking game of spoons -- always good for at least one moment that makes you laugh until tears come to your eyes and your stomach hurts.

I was sitting to the side, working on getting the binding on my son's quilt. My neice, who is in 5th grade and learning to sew, asked me how long it has taken me to make it and I realized that I started it almost exactly one year ago. Last Jan Plan, a group of people (women) at the college took the Quilting Club advisor up on the offer of doing it as a "class." We used the club room a couple of lunch hours a week. Zeben had asked me for a blue and white quilt, so that offered me the chance to actually do one. And now it will be completed later today!

And on to new projects :)

I got the sleeves done for the slouchy cardi, but think I'm going to rip them back to where I started the decreases for the cap and make it a little wider. I'd rather do it now than after I've blocked and sewn it together.

I finished the Cité neckwarmer in denim blue Malabrigo sock yarn for my mother - I should have taken a photo - sorry! But I loved the yarn so much, I stopped over to Purl Diva in Brunswick to pick up two more skeins -- in a teal blue combination and a purple/maroon blend. Some of these neckwarmers will make great Christmas presents next year and will be enjoyable little projects to work on.

I started the Tibetan Clouds beaded stole in a beautiful color of Smooshy (Dream in Color is the brand), but it just isn't doing it for me. It just isn't lustrous enough. I'll have to keep looking for something lovely and affordable. With any luck I'll find something that matches my beads.

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