Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jan Plan

For 30 years of my life, January has meant Jan Plan to me. Jan Plan is the month-long term between semesters at Colby College. As a student, it meant taking just one interesting class along with daily naps, cross-country skiing, and lots of reading and hanging out time. As an employee, it feels more like we cram a whole semester into 4 weeks and it is a race from start to finish. This year, and last year, I've added the responsibility of organizing and supporting a Jan Plan course for pre-med students. Most of the work comes in the fall, with the rest of it falling in the last 1 1/2 weeks of January. Here we go!

This weekend, however, we made no plans to go anywhere, except to attend the celebration of ministry that officially names our new priest as our parish rector. That was a truly moving, lovely eucharist services yesterday, followed by good food and fellowship. And, we even got a few leftovers to get us through the Pat's game this afternoon.

Knitting is spotty, but I did get to do some this weekend. At basketball games on Friday, I worked on the Gaptastic Cowl that I've been working on since Thanksgiving. It is easy to work on without looking, so it pretty much is relegated to when I need little distraction. The color is a bit darker than this picture -- a pretty teal color in Lambs Pride Bulky.
I (finally) finished the Japanese Vines scarf for Julie, my son's girlfriend. It blocked very nicely and is a pretty, soft green. I mailed it off to her in a box of things Nate left at home when he was here for Christmas.
I stopped by my LYS yesterday to pick up some mohair to make another pair of Faux Felted Mittens and, of course, found something on the sale table that caught my eye. I started on a baby sweater last night, but failed to do a gauge swatch, so it is coming out too small -- even for a baby sweater. I guess I need to start over and upsize my needles and size choice to compensate. The yarn is merino and silk (and machine washable!) and luscious. It is a free pattern from the blog of f.pea -- Supernatural Stripes.
I also got buttons yesterday for the Debbie Bliss sweater. With any luck I'll get them sewn on today and can wear it this week.

Other things accomplished this weekend are purchasing and installing a new phone (one with an answering system and big letters/numbers and a flashing light for missed calls - unlike the very cheap one we bought in November to replace the one whose display had ceased to function) and hanging our framed prints of Rocky Mountain College on the stair wall. Things not (yet) accomplished include doing my laundry and doing the bills :) But, I think I'll go rip out that baby sweater and start over.

1 comment:

Nants said...

I especially love the Japanese Vines scarf! Very pretty!