Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours

In the past seven days, these are the highlights:
1) One son's computer appears to have kicked the bucket. He's taking it to a computer repair place today to see what can possibly be done. Hopefully they can at least recover everything. With any luck at all, they can get it to where it will be able to get him through his senior year. Fallback plan? I'll be mailing my laptop to him.

2) We bought a car. It wasn't in the plan for another year, but the chance to buy a Toyota Rav4 from a professor came up quite suddenly and we went for it. Don spent yesterday "detailing" the VW so I can list it for sale this week on the Digest at work.

3) My parents finally came to the top of the list for an apartment in an elderly housing community. They'll be moving in the next month, just as several of us (me, my sisters, DH) are gearing up for the school year AND we all get ready for my brother's wedding on 9/10/11. Yes, it is a head-spinner.

4) My mother-in-law fell at the barn yesterday, where she goes every weekday morning to feed and care for her and everyone else's horses (others do weekend duty). I don't yet know all the details, but she broke her hip and was in surgery until about 9pm yesterday.

5) A second friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer in the space of a month. Both friends have such great, positive attitudes, but it is scary.

6) My iron died. But, the happy ending (I hope) is a new Rowenta that I picked up on sale yesterday.

7) We had N's company for a week, with his girlfriend visiting at the end. This is actually the positive highlight. It was lovely to have him/them visit and be able to spend some time with them. Most of the time we see him/them at larger family gatherings, but got to have his whole attention and vice versa.

There's not a lot of knitting going on, but I am doing some quilting. Next post will be about the Quilt Show.

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