Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Little Sun is a Wonderful Thing

The sun came out today for a brief, happy appearance. I needed to find a piece of paper that I knew was in a pile of papers in my home office, so went home at lunch to look for it. My task was accomplished more quickly than expected (or than deserved, given the state of my record-organizing these past few years), so I took the rest of my lunch hour to install 15 geraniums I snagged over the weekend for .99 each at the big box store into the side and front gardens. I love geraniums of any color or variety, and find the red ones to be an easy way to add some pop of color to the garden.

And, they'll coordinate so nicely with the way our neighbors have painted the front of their house this week. They have wide aluminum siding on their white house and have painted every other strip of siding in red -- kind of like a flag, but not really. Sigh.

My seed order arrived today -- it came really quickly! I can highly recommend Pinetree Garden Seeds here in Maine. They offer small packets of seeds, which I like so I don't have partial packets hanging around for years. We also got row cover (to keep the neighborhood cats out of the garden until things start to grow). I think we'll find some time this weekend to plant our vegetables and keep our fingers crossed that we are going to get past this wet, gray weather pattern we've been in for weeks.

Sprössling is done, but I can't put my hands on my blocking wires at the moment (really, there's no excuse for being this disorganized), so will have to look for them this weekend and get that and the wedding stole blocked, finally. Once blocked, I can sew the sweater together and knit on the button bands - can't wait to see it completed!

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