Two summers ago, we had a rainy, rather cold season. Plants rotted in people's gardens - tomatoes were especially hard to grow. For some reason, that summer didn't bother me too much. I'm really, really, really not fond of hot, humid weather -- it turns me into a puddle. But, in the past two weeks we've had exactly one sunny day and it is starting to get to me. I'm tired (despite getting full nights of sleep), grumpy, my back hurts (well, who knows if that is related, but I'm blaming the rain and gray skies), and I'm worried that our plans for a garden this year will be for naught. This is graduation weekend at Colby and if it doesn't stop raining, I think I'll skip the whole thing. My favorite event is Baccalaureate, but due to reductions in seating in the chapel, I can't march in it this year, so the thought of standing outside just to listen isn't really appealing given the rain. With any luck (and the forecast is promising), I'll be able to go to Commencement tomorrow at the least. The most exciting thing about graduation this year is that it is not on Memorial Day Weekend! We actually have a holiday weekend to ourselves this year! The downside: we're not used to having to go to the office the day after graduation. I think we'll be able to cope, though :)
I'm working away on my Sprössling -- I just got up to where the decreases for the sleeve caps begin, so the end is definitely in sight. The nice thing about finishing this sweater is that it is light enough to be able to wear once in a while during the summer -- nice and lacy.
I also blocked my Emily's Firmament Shawl and wore it to our choir concert last Sunday. It is really quite beautiful and hangs in a lovely way when I wear it. I'm thinking about wearing it to a graduation dinner tonight:
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