Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Scene!

For years, we've done very little decorating outside our house. While cleaning out my parent's garage after their move last August, I inherited the family Santa Scene. The reason I inherited it is that I was there at the beginning of this project. You know how you have a few crystal clear memories from early childhood? Well, this is one of mine. My father found this pattern in one of his woodworking magazines. He made slides of the pattern and then he and I used a projector at the school where he was principal to draw them on plywood (well, real woodworkers would dispute whether it is plywood). That's the early memory - in a dark classroom, mesmerized by the magic of making the pattern bigger. Probably that was one of my earliest brushes with technology.

Then my mother painted the reindeer and Santa after my father cut out the shapes. So, this scene is at least 50 years old at this point. And, despite some uncertainty on Don's part, we have it up!
Now Don is inspired to put lights up - I guess he's getting into the holiday spirit :)

1 comment:

Nants said...

Oh! Yay! It looks FABULOUS!!!!! Just need a dusting of snow to make it absolutely perfect!