Saturday, December 10, 2011

Little Treasures That Get You Through the Week

I was sharing a couple of smile moments from my week with Don and he commented that they were "little treasures that get you through the week." How true that is! Here are a few of mine:

1) Two of my students got into medical school and I learned about it just as I looked at my e-mail for the last time before leaving work on Friday. For one, it was her first admittance. For the other it was his second, but it was his most hoped for school. Nice way to end the week!

2) Another student e-mailed me a question to which I responded in my typical round-about fashion, indicating that there was no single answer and inviting him to come chat with me. He told me that he found my e-mail so thoughtful and helpful that he came to see me, then proceeded to pull out a printed copy of my e-mail with several things highlighted! Must be that wonderful liberal arts education I got that makes my e-mails so profound.

3) I finished a baby sweater which, darn it, I didn't take a picture of. But, it was cute.

4) My manicure from last weekend lasted all week.

5) My cat has sat in my lap two mornings this week. She likes to reach up and hold her head against my chin and makes me feel so loved.

6) One of our sons passed his oral defense of his senior comprehensive project. It is beginning to look like both of our sons will actually graduate from college in May (fingers crossed).

Not bad for what was actually a rather difficult week. The end of the semester is always full of tension on campus and that, combined with everyone's mounting holiday stress, the full moon keeping me from sleeping well, and the short days and early darkness really tends to make me weary. But, little treasures do keep you going!

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