Sunday, September 14, 2008

Music (and Knitting): Good for the Soul

Yesterday we got a last minute invitation to a barn concert at a friend's farm in Skowhegan. We were en route to UNH to visit our son (and take him a few necessary items, such as a sweatshirt, as it is starting to get cold in the evenings here in New England) when we got a call from DH's friend's wife -- apparently the invitation was to be delivered earlier in the week but Don's friend forgot. Any-who, we were planning to be back early anyway, so were able to get to the party right on time.

These friends live outside of Skowhegan on a dirt road. We wound our way along in the dark until we got to a field where everyone was directed to park. We then walked about 100 yards further down the road to the barn. There were torches burning around the barnyard and the barn doors were open, revealing the 3-person bluegrass band that was the evening's entertainment. The horses were in their stalls behind the band and seemed not to care that anything unusual was taking place.

A table had been set up for the pot-luck dinner/snacks that everyone brought. There was a fire burning in a fire-ring a bit further into the woods and people were setting up lawn chairs in front of the barn and by the fire. It was a thoroughly charming and warm group of people and such a cozy, neighborly setting. We even ran into someone we knew from home (about 20 miles away).

At various points through the evening people were inspired to dance. At the band's break, there was even a limbo going on, followed by the Twist. All we needed was someone to call a square dance, but no one 'fessed up to knowing how. DH and I danced a few times, chatted with old and new friends, and had a long discussion with an enthusiastic student of history and political science at UMaine (our hosts' son and daughter are both students at UMO and had brought friends)about medieval history and African politics.

When we finally decided to head home, we used moonlight to help us find our way back to the field where we had parked. What a lovely evening.

Also on the musical front, church choir has been back in practice the past two Thursdays and we sang at our first service of the season this morning. It really does make a difference in the mood of the service to have an enthusiastic choir. Our interim priest seems to be very appreciative too, which is nice.

Then, at coffee hour my friend brought a project she's been working on to show me. She is studying for the priesthood and has a friend from the seminary who is about to be ordained as a Congregational minister. She has been knitting her friend a stole and I've been able to watch the entire creative process unfold. She bought the yarn on one of our knitting boondoggles to Webs last spring. I've oohed and aahed over swatches and been consulted for some problem solving. It is nearly done and is quite beautiful. It was a lovely treat to look at and kept me from the calorie laden treat table on the other side of the room.

All of these things are tangible reminders of how very fortunate my family and I are in this life we lead. I feel nourished and renewed -- isn't that what a weekend should do?

I got up early this morning and put a few rows in on my yoga mat bag -- I'm nearly to the the point of putting a bottom and then the strap on it.

Braids cardigan -- haven't touched it since the trip to take Nate to college.

Norwegian Woods Shawl. I'm doing this pattern again, but this time in cream wool and silk yarn and will do the larger size -- truly a shawl and not a scarf.

Mom's Shrug. I'm making a shrug for my mother from the same pattern I made one for my sister from. It has been a treat to go back to this pattern -- my hands remember it and it is going very smoothly. As a side benefit, I asked a friend at church if I could borrow her copy of the book the pattern came from as I wanted to re-photocopy the pattern and enlarge it (these eyes just don't work as well as they used to and I need to get my prescription updated). By the time she brought it to me, I'd already found another copy to look at, but she said she'd been given another copy and so was giving me her extra copy! Now I'm slobbering over a number of other lace projects -- all of which just have to wait until I get a few other things done.

Zeben gave me a book about the Mitford novels as an early birthday present and I'm working my way through that at night.

And, I downloaded the second Amelia Peabody mystery and we started listening to it on our way home from NH yesterday.

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