Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February Knitting

I'm on vacation! Despite officially taking this whole week off from work, today I finally feel like I'm on vacation. I worked on Saturday (a big alumni-student event I've been planning and managing for what seems like months finally came off without a hitch on Saturday -- woohoo!), spent Sunday traveling to and from Massachusetts to see one son's All-Star Cheering team compete, Monday at my other son's (last) State Swim Meet (so happy to see him have a great meet!), and yesterday at the girls' State Swim Meet. Tumbled into bed at midnight last night and realized, I'm on vacation!

Today Don and I are heading to Boston where we have the use of a condo (courtesy of his Dad) for two nights. We're going down on our own today and the boys are going to join us on Thursday for the second night. A real mini-family vacation. Of course, leading up to this family quality time, one son is going through a rough patch, so hopefully he won't be sullen and hard to be with the whole time. They are just both so ready to fly the nest, but are stuck with us for 6 more months.

I can relate to son #2's situation. Son #1 (birth order) applied to college early decision and got in (phew!). He's been SOOOOOO much easier to live with since then. Son #2 has yet to get his applications completed, though, after a big argument a few days ago with his parents, he has made some progress. He's in a foul mood that only knowing where he will be next year will soothe, but that soothing ain't goin' to arrive for some time. Mom & Dad are expecting him to cope, or at least act like he is coping. Growing up is such a pain in the neck!

I finally finished my "Fetching" fingerless gloves. I didn't like the way the cast off top curled up when I cast off loosely, so went back and re-did the cast off on the first one and then quickly finished the second to match.

I've been working on the Norwegian Snail mittens for a few weeks. I finished one last week and then made quite a bit of progress on the second one sitting at cheering and swim meets the past few days. It shouldn't take me long to finish them.

I picked up the Braids Cardigan again that I put down in the fall to work on Christmas knitting. The body is now done and the button band is next. Then you pick up and knit the sleeves from the top down. The Webs Colrain yarn I'm using is so lovely to touch -- I'd like to get some of their lace weight version of it sometime!

I'm stalled on socks. I'd like to use the Smooshie yarn Don gave me for Christmas, but can't decide what pattern to use. I'd also like to spend some time on the socks in the Cat Bordhi book he got me, but that takes way too much concentration and I just don't have the time or energy for it. A knitting friend is going to town on that book lately and I'm envious. Maybe over the summer. In the meantime, I'd really like to find a sock pattern that I'd like to do. Maybe when I get back from my vacation.

Oh, and I fell head over heels for Nora Gaughan's Heartfelt pattern (see "before" and "after"). I bought one skein of Peruvia in red and have made three so far (the pattern says you can get about 15 out of one skein. It has me starting to think about my plan to have a table at the high school craft fair next December. I'd like to sell baskets and knitted Christmas ornaments: mini-socks, mini-mittens, mini-hats, mini-sweaters (I've been collecting patterns from various sources), and now mini-felted hearts.

Not much. The February Living Magazine, daily devotions in Foreward Movement, oh, and the book Introvert Advantage. The latter was recommended by an introvert friend to share with my husband. Interesting stuff.

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